
To make easier quantitative analysis from Heurist databases

Primary LanguageR


HeuristToR aims to make easier quantitative analysis from Heurist databases.


You can install the development version of rheurist from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Before using HeuristToR : export XML files from Heurist

hr_import() reads XML files exported from Heurist. To use it, two XML files must be first exported from Heurist :

  • a XML file including data (fields’values entered in the database) : this XML file can be exported from Heurist via the Explore menu > Export > XML. Be careful : if some records are selected in your Heurist session during the export, only data about theses selected records will be exported.
  • a XML file exported from Heurist describing database structure (vocabularies, fields’caracteristics…) : this XML file can be exported from Heurist via the Design menu > Download > Structure (XML).

As an example, from this Heurist database (named “aliet_test_R”), we’ve exported two XML files : have a look to the folder “documents/data_example” of this repository.

Read data and paradata from Heurist database, with hr_import() function


#> We're importing data and structure files (most time-consuming step)... Thank you for waiting...
#> Data and structure files have been successfully imported. Now we're selecting and managing data... Thank you for waiting...
#> We've finished. It's ready to use !
#> Import has required 7.38 secs

The argument rename.tab.col of the hr_import function remove spaces, dashes, slashes, commas, quotations marks, ampersands and parenthesis from colnames and dataframes names, replacing them with dots.


#> We're importing data and structure files (most time-consuming step)... Thank you for waiting...
#> Data and structure files have been successfully imported. Now we're selecting and managing data... Thank you for waiting...
#> We've finished. It's ready to use !
#> Spaces, dashes, slashes, commas, quotations marks, ampersands and parenthesis have been removed from names, replaced with dots
#> Import has required 7.5 secs

For more details, see https://alietteroux.github.io/HeuristToR/