
This module provides custom elements for simple inclusion of icons in your frontend project.


To install showcar-icons within your project use npm.

$ npm i --save showcar-icons

How to include:

To make the custom elements available within you frontend, it is necessary to include some javascript (depending on your directory structure)


How to use:

use the following to include an icon in your frontend:

<as24-icon class="sc-icon-s" type="android" title="android"></as24-icon>

More documentation on usage:

All the available icons are placed within the icons folder, using subfolder is possible too.
If you want to use the icons without the showcar-ui library, you have to load a polyfill for custom elements first.

<script src="//"></script>

Inline Icons

We recommend to use inline icons if you need to include icons just on one single page. For further details see the docs and CSS-Tricks

How to contribute:

If you need some additional icons within showcar-icons just add them to the icons folder or another subfolder. Afterwards it is necessary to create the showcar-icons.min.js again.

$ yarn build

To test your changes run, it will open docs page on port 8080

$ yarn start


MIT License