
Golang Telegram Bot Framework

Primary LanguageGo

Golang Telegram Bot Framework


  • Multilingual
  • MongoDB Database Storage
  • Menu Based
  • Super Easy to Develop


  1. go get -u github.com/aliforever/gotelbot
  2. go install


  1. Message BotFather and create a new bot.
  2. Copy the token.
  3. Run gotelbot --init=token (Replace token).
  4. Run go run main.go.
  5. Say Hello to your bot on Telegram.


  1. gotelbot --init=token[,username] [--path=path/to/go/src] [--langs=english,etc]
     - (if you don't pass ',username', gotelbot will grab the username)
     - (if you don't pass --path, gotelbot will use GOPATH environment variable)
     - (if you don't pass --langs, gotelbot will use English as default language)
    example: gotelbot --init=bot123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
  2. gotelbot --menu=name[:line] [--path=path/to/project]
     - (if you don't pass ':line', gotelbot will append menu to end of application.go file)
     - (if you don't pass --path, gotelbot will read current terminal directory, 
     where gotelbot command was executed. Make sure to cd bot's path.)
    example: gotelbot --menu=Welcome


  • --langs=english,persian,italian
  • --path=/home/go/src/