
Examples related with the reactiveX API for Java

Primary LanguageJava

Author Pablo Perez Garcia


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Marble diagrams are not clear enough?.

Here we cover with some practical examples, the most common use of the ReactiveX platform for Java.

This project it´s just a complement to play around and put in practice what I´ve learned in the platform.

To reference to the real documentation go here https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxJava/wiki

RxScala examples here

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All the most common features of Observable


An Observable that just emit 1 item through the pipeline.


A subject which subscribe observers and keep the pipeline open all the time.

Observer V Iterator Pattern

An explanation, comparative and benchmark between these two patterns.

RxJava V Spring Reactor

A Comparative and benchmark between these two frameworks.

Java 8

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The Java 8 Stream API with examples of most useful operators.

The Java 8 Functions with particle examples of how to use it.

Software craftsmanship