
A tool to run multiple shell in parallel.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


dependencies Status devDependencies Status

A tool to run multiple shell in parallel.


npm install multi-shell


with javascript

import MutilShell from 'multi-shell'

new MutilShell({
  baseDir: '~/workspace/',
  tasks: [
    'cd a/ && npm run dev',
    'cd b/ && npm run dev'

with global shell

yarn global add multi-shell

m-sh "cd node_project/ && npm run dev" "cd your_path/ && node serve.js" --baseDir xxx

# generate a config file
m-sh init
# use config file
m-sh -c ./tasks.conf.js # or json

with npm scripts

  "dev": "m-sh 'npm run watch:a' 'npm run watch:b'",
  "watch:a": "...",
  "watch:b": "..."