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Etherspot transaction BUIDLer for React

BUIDLer is a react component that allows plug-and-play integration with the Etherspot SDK, allowing dApps and developers to easily leverage the SDK in a highly customisable fashion.

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Name: EditorConfig for VS Code
Id: EditorConfig.EditorConfig
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Version: 0.16.4
Publisher: EditorConfig
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Getting Started

Install Etherspot transaction BUIDLer using npm or yarn

npm i @etherspot/react-transaction-buidler

Plug in your dApp

import {
} from "@etherspot/react-transaction-buidler";

 * This is all that is needed to get started.
 * To customise this, see the possible props
 * you can pass in the docs.
function RenderEtherspot(props) {
  return <Etherspot />;

Developing locally

You can set up BUIDLER locally and develop new features for it. Please follow the instructures below:

  • First, check out the Etherspot BUIDLER Example dapp here
  • Then, checkout this repository
  • In this repository directory: run npm install && npm link
  • In this repository directory:: run npm run rollup:watch - this project is now being watched for code changes
  • In the Example dapp directory: run npm install && npm link @etherspot/react-transaction-buidler
  • In the Example dapp directory: add a file called ".env"
  • To this file add this line: REACT_APP_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID = "fake_id"
  • Replace fake_id with a real client ID from if you want social logins to work. Otherwise continue without it and login with a keybased wallet
  • In the Example dapp directory: run npm run start

You can now make code changes in this repository and changes will be reflected in the Example dapp.


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