
This repository contains all the projects I completed during Data Analyst Nanodegree program

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository contains all the projects completed during Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegree program

In this program, I will be working on 7 projects demonstrating my data analysis skills.

Project 1: Explore Weather Trends

The local and global temperature data is analysed and the temperature trends of German city Munich are compared to overall global temperature trends.


  1. Extracting the data from Udacity database using SQL Query and storing it to csv file
  2. Importing the csv file into Python Pandas dataframe
  3. Data processing (Handling missing values, calculations)
  4. Data Visualization in Python using Seaborn

Project 2: Investigate a Dataset

TMDb Movies Dataset contains record of 10866 movies and 21 features for each movie. It is investigated to answer below mentioned five questions.

  • Maximum and minimum values
  • Average Values
  • Budget-revenue-profit-runtime-votes relationship
  • Common appearance
  • Similarities of movies with $300 million or more profit


  1. Using User Defined Functions in Python to avoid writing the similar code multiple times
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis to answer above mentioned questions
  3. Data Visualization in using Seaborn and Matplotlib
  4. Using Markdown to guide throuh the project