
Dockerized mini FDM with automatic certificates renewal

Primary LanguageShell

Dockerized mini FDM

This container provides an HAProxy instance with Let's Encrypt certificates generated at startup, as well as renewed (if necessary) once a week with an internal cron job. It calls Flux API every few munites and updates HAProxy server list for the provided flux APP_NAME and APP_PORT.


Pull from Github Packages:

docker pull alihmahdavi/flux-lb:latest

Build from Dockerfile:

docker build -t flux-lb:latest .

Run container:

Example of run command (replace APP_NAME, APP_PORT, CERTS, EMAIL values and volume paths with yours)

docker run --name lb -d \
    -e APP_NAME=my-flux-app-name \
    -e APP_PORT=my-flux-app-port \
    -e CERT1=my-common-name.domain \
    -e EMAIL=my.email@my.domain \
    -e STAGING=false \
    -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 8080:8080 \

Customizing Haproxy

docker run [...] -v <override-conf-file>:/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg alihmahdavi/flux-lb:latest

Renewal cron job

Once a week a cron job checks for expiring certificates with certbot agent and reload haproxy if a certificate is renewed. No container restart needed.