
This repository holds files and docs for the coursera project, Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubernetes Dashboard, Prometheus and Grafana.

Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster Using Prometheus & Grafana

This repository holds files and docs for the coursera project, Monitoring Kubernetes Cluster using Kubernetes Dashboard, Prometheus and Grafana.

Project Structure

The whole project is divided into five tasks:

  1. Introduction and Cluster Creation.
  2. Creating Deployment
  3. Deploying Kubernetes Dashboard (Web-UI)
  4. Using Prometheus
  5. Using Grafana Dashboards

Cluster Creation Steps

Step#1: First we will create a cluster using:

kind create cluster

Step#2: Check cluster

kind get clusters

Step#3: Get cluster info

kubectl cluster-info

Step#5: Check Nodes

kubectl get nodes

Step#6: Check All

kubectl get all -A