
This repository contains files for the Auto911 GPT-J based emergency response solution.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

In an average year, around 240 million 911 calls are made in the U.S. that averages out to over 600,000 calls per day only in United States. The reason of developing this solution is to utilize the power of AI to build an AI for Good Solution that can help people instantly anywhere in the world without paying a single penny!

The solution is still in its infancy period and every contribution is welcome! I hope my efforts can serve the humanity and help people especially those in emergency situation.

Lastly, if you find this solution and/or the intention behind creating it worthy of appreciation, feel free to star this repository and reach out to me for any advice or suggestion on my email. You can also connect with me on Linkedin.

With best wishes and great hopes 🌺

Muhammad Ali

:octocat:: @alihussainia

📫 malirashid1994@gmail.com

Link to the Web App Click here!