Weather-Journal App Project

Table of Contents


This project requires you to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI.


This will require modifying the server.js file and the website/app.js file. You can see index.html for element references, and once you are finished with the project steps, you can use style.css to style your application to customized perfection.


If you are interested in testing your code as you go, you can use tests.js as a template for writing and running some basic tests for your code.


If you want to continue coding you need to have nodejs and npm locally installed. You can check that by running node -v && npm -v in the terminal, which should result in two versions shown in the terminal.

Once nodejs and npm installed you simple run npm start which runs a express server locally and serves the static files. In addition in enables two endpoints. One is a get for projectdata and the second for post projectdata.


What was done? I enhanced the server.js with two endpoints and required middleware to enable body-parser and cors.

In website/app.js I created several functions for fetching weather data from OpenWeatherAPI, saving the data through the post request and updating the UI dynamically.

Try it out!

Running the app

For Windows

  • Open Command Prompt by typing cmd in the search bar
  • Make sure that the node.js is successfully installed by typing node -v
  • Then type npm cache clean --force and press Enter.
  • Then type rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json and press Enter.
  • Then type npm install and press Enter.
  • Then type npm start and press Enter.
  • And finally open your browser, and type