
Appointment Scheduler app built with AngularJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Appoints Client

Appoints is an appointment scheduling sample application that hopefully provides a bit of guidance into the wild west that is called 'Modern Day Web Development'. It consists of a Node.js REST API backend and an AngularJS frontend app (this project). A live demo can be found at http://appoints-client.azurewebsites.net.


To start developing in the project run:

gulp serve

Then head to http://localhost:3001 in your browser.

The serve tasks starts a static file server, which serves the AngularJS application, and a watch task which watches all files for changes and lints, builds and injects them into the index.html accordingly.


To run tests run:

gulp test

Or first inject all test files into karma.conf.js with:

gulp karma-conf

Then you're able to run Karma directly. Example:

karma start --single-run

Production ready build

To make the app ready for deploy to production run:

gulp dist

Now there's a ./dist folder with all scripts and stylesheets concatenated and minified, also third party libraries installed with bower will be concatenated and minified into vendors.min.js and vendors.min.css respectively.