This is a guide for passing the CNCF Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with practice exercises. Good luck!
- ajgrande924Boston, MA
- Al-Ka-Li
- Anand5289
- CharcoGreenTelefonicaTech
- FeynmanZhou@microsoft @azure
- fl64@Deckhouse
- gabrielfsousaHugo Boss
- heisend4rkNowhere
- johnsonvinoNordcloud
- kpatryk
- larkly@rhtconsulting
- lethe2211Japan
- lexasa
- liyongjian5179xiaomi
- lskllcBeijing
- matthieup
- microwavesBerlin
- musabukhariDunya
- nbosa
- ninewb@sassoftware
- praddevops
- pradeeppasupuleti
- ripclawffbCA
- Sadham-HussianPSG College of Technology
- samiamoura@sokube
- sharanpeetaniRed Hat, Inc.
- strongjz@isovalent
- tawfik21tunis
- tm1810
- vb8118
- viggirks
- vkamleshBangalore, KA
- whathejoe
- woile@reciperium
- yiuc
- zloeberSPR