
Fundeth project is a decentralized finance (DeFi) application that provides a mechanism for users to deposit funds in a vault, which are then used to purchase a basket of specified tokens. The purchased tokens are held within the vault, and users receive vault tokens representing their share of ownership in the underlying assets.


  • Ethereum Sepolia: 0x7469174a347688eef76b828a5d27fc5ae27870dc
  • Arbitrum One: 0x03C804F7C435Ad659452b6B86185FF2549Ed2085
  • Base: 0xa63b68da994883d51114f8c9d2d1c4c0762c9038


Vault Contract

The Vault contract serves as the core component of the project. It allows users to:

  • Deposit funds: Users can deposit USDC into the vault.
  • Purchase tokens: Upon deposit, the vault automatically purchases a specified basket of tokens using the deposited USDC.
  • Withdraw funds: Users can withdraw their share of funds from the vault, receiving USDC in return.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following components:

  • Vault Contract: The main smart contract that manages deposits, token purchases, and withdrawals.
  • Vault Factory Contract: Factory smart contract that deploys vault contracts and manages their configurations.
  • Interfaces: Interface contracts for interacting with external contracts, such as the Uniswap Router.
  • Abstract Contracts: Abstract contracts providing reusable functionality, such as ReentrancyGuard.