
Generate client and server side Java/Kotlin code based on OpenAPI spec

Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Actions Status: build

Maven Central


Generates client and server side Java/Kotlin code based on OpenAPI spec, using swagger-parser, JavaPoet and KotlinPoet.

Usage example (as Maven plugin)

        <!--Root package for generated code-->
        <!--Set to true if you want to have HttpServletResponse response 
        parameter in Controller interface: good for server-side code.
        Set to false (default) if you don't need one 
        (good for client-side)-->

Usage example (in Kotlin code, e.g. Gradle's buildSrc)

val codegen = KotlinCodegen(GeneratorParams.rootPackage("com.example.project"))
val yamlPath = project.layout.projectDirectory.asFile.toPath().resolve("src/main/openapi/api.yaml")
val resultPath = project.layout.buildDirectory.get().asFile.toPath().resolve("generated-sources")
codegen.generate(yamlPath, resultPath)

Configuration parameters

Parameter name Type Default value Description
rootPackage String Sets the root package for all the generated classes. Controller and Api interfaces will be generated in controller subpackage, and all the DTOs will be generated in dto subpackage.
generateResponseParameter boolean false Set to true if you need to have HttpServletResponse parameter in each generated Controller method. You might need this in order to return specific HTTP status codes.
generateApiInterface boolean false Set to true if you need to generate an interface called Api besides Controller. Api methods do not have HttpServletResponse parameter.
forceSnakeCaseForProperties boolean true By default, hurdy-gurdy expects all the properties of DTO classes to be defined in snake_case in the specification. It converts these names to camelCase for generated classes and sets Jackson's SnakeCaseStrategy so that they will still be snake_case in JSON representation. If you don't want this (e. g. if you want your properties to be defined in camelCase everywhere) you can turn off this function via this parameter.

Inheritance hierarchy compatible with openapi-codegen

    # Abstract class with discriminator 'vehicle_type'
      type: object
      nullable: false
          type: string
        propertyName: vehicle_type
          'CAR': '#/components/schemas/Car'
          'TRUCK': '#/components/schemas/Truck'
    # Concrete classes
      nullable: false
        - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vehicle"
        - type: object
              type: string
      nullable: false
        - $ref: "#/components/schemas/Vehicle"
        - type: object
              type: string

This will produce the following in Java:

        use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
        include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
        property = "vehicle_type"
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Car.class, name = "CAR"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Truck.class, name = "TRUCK")})
public class Vehicle {

public class Car extends Vehicle {
    private String carProperty;

This will procude the following in Kotlin:

@JsonNaming(value = PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy::class)
  use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
  include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
  property = "vehicle_type"
@JsonSubTypes(JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Car::class, name = "CAR"),
JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Truck::class, name = "TRUCK"))
public sealed class Vehicle()

@JsonNaming(value = PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy::class)
public data class Car(
    public val carProperty: String? = null
) : Vehicle()

Make DTO classes implement interfaces

You can use x-extends extended property on schema element in order to make DTO implement given interface or interfaces:

      type: object
      nullable: false
        - java.lang.Serializable
      title: MenuItemDTO

References to external specifications

You can use references to external specification files if they are available on the same file system as the original one. However, hurdy-gurdy does not attempt to generate code for referenced specifications: we believe this should be done explicitly for every spec. Hurdy-gurdy just uses x-package extension property on the referenced specification in order to define the location of referenced DTOs.

For example, given the following spec fragment:

      operationId: external
          description: external file
                $ref: 'externalfile.yaml#/components/schemas/DatabaseConnectionRequest'

The externalfile.yaml file should be located in the same folder and it should contain x-package property:

openapi: 3.0.1
x-package: com.example

Then code generator will suggest that com.example.dto.DatabaseConnectionRequest class exists on the classpath.