API and a collection of programs for controlling CC turtles in Minecraft over a websocket using Rust.
- Simulator for testing programs without minecraft
- Move
- Dig
- Detect
- Antenna-based gps and miniprograms to find current coordinate easily
- Sign-based gps to read a sign to instantly determine gps.
- Place a sign with known gps-coordinate. Turtle will stop execution in front of a sign. On startup it reads a sign in front of it and knows where it is.
- Haphazardly notice signs and try to determine gps from them?
- Working "pretty good" non-optimal pathfinder
- Discovery-helper, that after all movements determines whether it is more useful to do some detecting of surroundings before continuing.
- Goal: Program can inherit this program and execute everything and be sure that all possible detecting has been done before their execution.
- ? Some kind of "features" to add to programs.
- For example, add GpsInit feature, that will ensure that gps is initialized in the beginning. Add discovery-feature, that ensures discoveries are made when possible.
- Add pathfinding feature, which gives high-level API with commands such as "go to (5,2,4)" pathfinding will take care of generating actions until it is finished.
- Tunnel mining script that