
Lab to demonstrate threads using streams

Primary LanguageJava

Threading Event Handlers

The main class of this project starts up two threads using a stream of Event Listeners. It then creates a stream of input to the console

Every time a message is sent in, an event is pushed to the Event Tracker Singleton. The tracker will keep track of messages sent in. If a message has a Listener associated with it, there should be a response printed to the console

Event Tracker

  • Singleton class that is synchronized between threads
  • Implements the Tracker interface
  • Should store the number of times a string has been sent into it
  • Push should increment the integer associated to the string passed in
  • Has should return true if there is an integer asssociated with the string passed in and if the integer is greater than 0
  • handle should take in an event handler. After running the event handler's handle function it should decrement the integer associated with the message passed in.
  • Handle should be the only way to decrement an integer in the map

Event Listener

  • Extends Thread
  • Takes in a message to listen for and a reply to respond with
  • Optionally can take in a custom tracker. Defaults to the EventTracker singleton class
  • The run method should use a while loop that continues to run as long as "readyToQuit" returns false
  • ready to quit should return true if there is a "quit" event in the event tracker
  • The should reply method should return true if the event tracker has a message the listener is listening for
  • In the while loop, if should reply returns true, the Tracker should have its "handle" method called passing in an instance of EventHandler. The Handler should print out the reply