Prayer Times provides a set of handy functions to calculate prayer times for any location around the world, based on a variety of calculation methods currently used in Muslim communities.
You can report any issue on issues page. Note: If you speak Arabic, you can submit issues with Arabic language and I will check them. :)
Just add pod 'PrayerTimesSwift'
to your Podfile and go!
PrayerTimesSwift is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "PrayerTimesSwift"
Then run pod install
You will need to create a new instance of PrayerTime
. Once the instance are configured, you can call getPrayerTimes()
let myPrayerTime = PrayerTimes(caculationmethod: .makkah, asrJuristic: .shafii, adjustHighLats: .none, timeFormat: .time12)
let prayerTimes = myPrayerTime.getPrayerTimes(NSCalendar.currentCalendar(), latitude: 24.7993689, longitude: 46.6176563, tZone: 3)
To change the time format to:Time24
24-hour formatTime12
12-hour formatTime12NS
12-hour format with no suffixFloating
floating point number
myPrayerTime.timeFormat = .time24
To change the Calculation Methods.Karachi
University of Islamic Sciences, KarachiISNA
Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)MWL
Muslim World League (MWL)Makkah
Umm al-Qura, MakkahEgypt
Egyptian General Authority of SurveyJafari
Ithna AshariTehran
Institute of Geophysics, University of TehranCustom
Custom Setting
myPrayerTime.Caculationmethod = .makkah
To change Juristic Method for AsrShafii
Shafii (standard)Hanafi
myPrayerTime.asrJuristic = .shafii
Adjusting Methods for Higher LatitudesNone
No adjustmentMidNight
middle of nightOneSeventh
1/7th of nightAngleBased
angle/60th of night
myPrayerTime.adjustHighLats = .none
Tune timings for adjustments
Abdullah Alhazmy
PrayerTimesSwift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.