
SiteSpeedy calculates an overall PageSpeed score for your website based on a weighted average of your most visited pages, using data from your Google Analytics account.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the source code repository for sitespeedy.org.

SiteSpeedy calculates an overall PageSpeed score for your website based on a weighted average of your most visited pages, using data from your Google Analytics account.


All development happens in the dev directory. The site can be run locally by starting a web server there, e.g. python -m SimpleHTTPServer or similar. For the local site to work properly, there also has to be a valid OAuth client id. Just copy the file <root>/js/credentials.js to dev/js/credentials.js and change the new file according to the instructions in its comments.


To prepare the site for deployment, run ./build.sh. This will concatenate and compress JavaScript and CSS, and replace the development OAuth credentials with the live ones (that are only valid for the host sitespeedy.org). This is done using handled which relies on node and the yuicompressor module. Any images are copied as is, without any special processing.


The site lives in a single gh-pages branch, meaning that whenever a git push happens, it will be deployed live as well. However, since the built site is in the root directory, it will only be updated if it has been re-built using ./build.sh.