
Compare two texts to find common word sequences (n-grams)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Text Comparison Tools

Scripts to find out what texts have in common.

Requires Python 3 and the nltk and tabulate modules.

On first run, the needed nltk data will be downloaded to its default location.


usage: ngram-finder.py [-h] [--min-words MIN_WORDS] [--max-words MAX_WORDS]
                       [--zero-results ZERO_RESULTS]
                       [--punctuation PUNCTUATION] [--include-subgrams]
                       [--sort {n,length,alpha}]
                       files [files ...]

Compare texts to find common word sequences (n-grams)

positional arguments:
  files                 text files to compare

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --min-words MIN_WORDS
                        min number of words to look for (default: 4)
  --max-words MAX_WORDS
                        max number of words to look for, must be larger than
                        or equal to min words (default: number of words in the
                        longest sentence found in either text
  --zero-results ZERO_RESULTS
                        stop comparison after this many zero results for next
                        n-gram length, set to 0 to disable (default: 3)
  --punctuation PUNCTUATION
                        what characters should count as punctuation (default:
  --include-subgrams    skip resulting n-grams that are subsets of any longer
                        n-grams found (default: False)
  --sort {n,length,alpha}
                        how to sort final output, by n-gram length, text
                        length, or sentence alphabetically (default: n)


usage: common-words.py [-h] [--include-stopwords]
                       [--word-frequency-list WORD_FREQUENCY_LIST]
                       [--sort {alpha,frequency,occurrences,length}]
                       files [files ...]

Compare texts to find common words and their frequencies

positional arguments:
  files                 text files to compare

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --include-stopwords   include very common words in results (default: False)
  --word-frequency-list WORD_FREQUENCY_LIST
                        providing a text file containing "word;frequency"
                        lines will print that frequency data next to the word
                        in output, and sort on it
  --sort {alpha,frequency,occurrences,length}
                        how to sort output; by word alphabetically, by its
                        frequency in the given texts, number of occurrences,
                        or by word length (default: occurrences)


usage: word-classes.py [-h] [--include-stopwords]
                       [--sort {alpha,occurrences,length,class}]

Categorize (nouns, verbs, etc.) all words in a text

positional arguments:
  file                  text file to categorize

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --include-stopwords   include very common words in results (default: False)
  --sort {alpha,occurrences,length,class}
                        how to sort output; by word alphabetically, number of
                        occurrences, word length, or word class (default: