
Docker setup for pihole


Pi-Hole a network wide is an add blocker(DNS based) for home network


  1. Clone this repo on the server where you want to run Pi-Hole as DNS server.
  2. Stop Linux's default DNS resolver: sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
  3. Disable Linux's default DNS resolver: sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
  4. Edit this file sudo vim /etc/resolv.conf to change nameserver to nameserver in the file
  5. Run the docker container sudo docker-compose up -d
  6. Visit: http:///admin and you should see the Pi-Hole web interface
  7. Make sure you set the DNS in your router to the ip address(ipv4 and ipv6) of the machine where Pi-Hole is installed
  8. Now you should see all the block add in the PI-Hole web interface


  1. Pi-Hole GitHub Repo
  2. Domains to block by category