Hi 👋, I am Murat Umutlu, a MERN Stack Developer

Murat Umutlu (it's me!) is a Full-Stack developer with 9 years of experience in health, finance and telecommunication industries. An outgoing, team-oriented, and organized professional with a unique international background an natural interest in augmented reality, machine learning, and game development.

⚡ Front-End Development with Reactjs & VanillaJS

I develop with React since 2017 and worked for Turkey's largest bank and GSM operator as a Front End Developer. I have used almost all of the most important state management tools (Redux, Hooks, Mobx), NPM packages and CSS Frameworks (IBM Carbon Design, Material UI, Semantic UI, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap) with React. You may visit my Medium Account to read Front-End Development articles.

⚡ On-page SEO with latest technologies (Nextjs, Gatsby)

Nextjs (server side rendering package) and Gatsby (static site generator) are important tools for a developer nowadays. As you know React projects are rendered on client side and that can be a disadvantage when search engine bots see only js files instead of text content. Nextjs gives Google bots to see rendered html page instead of chunk.js & main.js files.

⚡ Location based technologies (ArcGIS, Google Maps, Here Maps)

During my career I used Google Maps, Here Maps and ArcGIS in my projects. ArcGIS was the hardest one of them. Its react library is not developed as the others. That makes you to create your own solutions for the problems. Here you can visit the ArcGIS project that I built for Turkcell: Pharmacies on Duty (do not forget to give location access)

⚡ Mobile App and Game Development with React Native

⚡ API Development with Nodejs, Express, and Python

⚡ Full Stack Development with Reactjs, GraphQL and AWS Amplify

💻 Languages I have used

JavaScript TypeScript Dart Python SQL PHP

🗜 Some of the technologies I have worked with

Node.js Express React JavaScript TypeScript GraphQL Apollo Jest

Flutter Dart React Native Firebase

Git Bitbucket GitHub Gitlab Jira Trello Asana

AWS Linux MacOS Windows

⏳ I’m currently working on ...

Node.js React JavaScript TypeScript Microservices AWS

Murat's GitHub stats

💬 How to reach me !

I'm open to professional relationships and you can reach me via following channels:

Gmail Badge Telegram Badge Medium Badge Stackoverflow Badge Facebook Badge Twitter Badge Linkedin Badge