Xstate React Calculator

Based on https://github.com/GiancarlosIO/xstate-react-calculator, but with some new functionalities and bug fixes.

Article about this effort on dev.to

Extra Features:

  • add +/- button and handle operations with negative numbers (I used the Mac calculator as a reference for the behaviour)
  • implement operations history: keep a string of all operations until user hits equals

Bug fixes:

  • prevent entering multiple leading zeros
  • correctly add two percentages together: e.g. 100% + 100%, should display 2
  • correctly set the operator after each step of an operation: e.g. 1 - 1 + 2 / 2, should display 1
  • handle decimal point for result state

Other improvements:

  • add unit tests for operations history and for some bug fixes
  • adjust calculator style for better eye comfort
  • fix linting errors

Edit xstate-react-calculator

👀 See the calculator's state machine on the XState Visualizer

Screenshot of the calculator state machine in the Visualizer