
School project : java program that reads a data input file of students and exam scores. Allows edits to the input file with user commands

Primary LanguageJava

Track My Students (Assignment 4)

Summary: (School project) java program that reads a data input file of students and exam scores. Allows edits to the input file with user commands.

Full Summary:

A Java program that reads a given data file with first names, last names, and three exam scores and displays the average. The user can then add or remove a student, change any of the scores, and display the changes at any time. If the user has not saved the data file, then the program asks if you've saved the file before quitting. It will automatically save to the original input file.

The following commands may be typed in (not case sensitive):

sa or average to sort the students based on their average

sn or names to sort the students based on their last names

r or remove to remove a student from the class roll

s or save to save the list of students back to the input datafile

c1 or change1 to change score 1 of a student c2 or

change2 to change score 2 of a student c3 or

change3 to change score 3 of a student f or find to find a student in the class roll

d or display to display the class roll

q or quit to exit the program (The program must ask for confirmation if there are unsaved data)