Fields combination rule

To create a mapping rule to combine multiple fields into a new field use this syntax:


You can find an example in ./tests/integration_tests/test_data/mappings.csv

Article number

There are two ways to calculate article number according to the task:

  1. Take field article_number
  2. Take combination of fields article_number_{N}

I've chosen the first option as a more straightforward one. But there are ways to switch to the second option:

  1. Use the fields combination rule to combine article numbers into one entity
  2. Change method Variation.get_article_number logic to combine all articles number only for grouping variations (they'll still be separate article fields)


Main entry point for creating catalog is CatalogBuilder.build_catalog. Method returns catalog as a dictionary that can be converted to json or used as a field for another data contract

Run tests

To run unit tests run py -m unittest discover in the project root directory (csv-to-json)