- For demonstration purposes only.
- The system will reset data every day (or every redeploy), because Heroku does not provide any sort of persistent storage on dynos.
Visit https://image-sharing-api-server.herokuapp.com/docs/
npm install
npm run dev
npm test
curl http://localhost:5000/v1/attachments -F 'file=@./test/dog.jpeg' -F 'description=hi image' -H "Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_access_token"
curl https://image-sharing-api-server.herokuapp.com/v1/attachments -F 'file=@./test/dog.jpeg' -F 'description=hi image' -H "Authorization: Bearer your_jwt_access_token"
The file test.http can be used to make requests if you are using the VSCode Rest Client extension
heroku create image-sharing-api-server
heroku git:remote -a image-sharing-api-server
heroku config:set JWT_SECRET=ooxxooxx
heroku config:set IMAGE_PREFIX_URL=https://image-sharing-api-server.herokuapp.com/uploads/
git push heroku master
then go to