
Learning Nodejs with Irene - Catalyst Cohort 12

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nodejs with Irene

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

  • Testing our endpoints with Postman
  • How to use middleware
    • body parser --> process incoming data such as body payload - data received from client
    • session --> a session is often used in applications such as login/signup
    • time logger --> logs the time/date of each route change
      • can be used on specific routes

Day Five

Day Six

  • write a simple PUG page
  • URI (uniform resource identifier - name, location of both)
    • URL - uniform resource locator
    • URN - uniform resource name
  • Pug - formaerly known as Jade

Day Seven

  • Adding images, js and css to our pug files
  • app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')))
    • this loads any images, css, js and other files you may want in your project
    • it sets the default directory for all these files in the public directory
    • no need o reference the directory when linking css or images for examples
  • app.use('/public/images', express.static(__dirname + '/public/images'))
    • handles images you upload
  • installation of the following dependecies into our project
    • npm install connect-ensure-login
    • npm install express-session
    • npm install multer
    • npm install mongoose
    • npm install passport
    • npm install passport-local
    • npm install passport-local-mongoose
    • npm install moment
  • Assignment: Read about the MVC (model views controller) structure
  • Assignment: Add more Pug files to your project
    • Push your files to GitHub
    • Share the link to the repo

Day 8

  • Appyling the MVC architecture in our project
  • What is a mdolue?
  • Setup the router file, exported it
    • const express = require("express");
    • const router = express.Router();
  • Created a variable in the server file to access our routes
    • const registrationRoutes = require("./routes/regRoutes");
  • Middleware that allows us to acces the routes in the router file in the browser
    • app.use("/user", registrationRoutes);

Day 9

  • Database Creation
  • Import mongoose into the server -> this helps us to connect to mongodb without constantly opening it
  • Create a config dir and a db.js file
    • then import the db file into the server
  • setup db connections in server
  • import passport into server and add middleware
    • passport will help with us authentication
    • and tracking authentication in our system
  • import express-session and its middleware intot the server
  • Models (MVC)

Day 10

  • Learning about JS Async/Await, Callbacks, Promises by making ice cream -->
  • Assignment (see google classroom)

Day 11

  • check for users with existing user id, to stop duplicates
  • how to add routes for another file
  • how to get the list of registered users (specifically farmer one)
  • create a schema for produce upload with provision for owner of the produce

Day 12

  • create a produce upload route
    • handles image uploads with multer
    • uses aycn await in routes
    • the commented route was checking for registered FOs and the rendering the upload page
    • the post route was saving the file path of a single uploaded image and redirecting back to the dashboard
  • Assignment (see google classroom)

Day 13

  • Created authentication routes for our login/logout
    • Used CONNECT-ENSURE-LOGIN on the get route for produce uploads - cannot upload w/o being logged in
    • connect-ensure-login tracks users login sessions
    • Addes a logout button on the landing page that destroys a users login session and redirects back to the login page
    • The logout btn is a mini form that can be added to any page where you want a user to be able to logout
  • [status: { type: String, default: 'pending', enum: ['pedning', 'approved'], }]
    • find out what this does
  • [xxx: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'RegisterUser', required: true]
    • find out what this does
  • Assignment --> create dashboards for the respective users AO, FO, UF (see more on the Google Classroom)

Day 14

Day 15

Day 16

Day 17

Day 18

Day 19

