Make sure you have Composer installed.
Follow the installation instructions in the User Guide.
composer create-project aplus/app:dev-master aplus
Enter the project directory.
If you think about open-source your project, choose a license.
If your project is proprietary, you can add your custom license or not.
Edit the .php-cs-fixer.dist.php
Set the project name and copyright information.
To update the comment header in all PHP files, run:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix -vvv
Aplus Framework uses Code Quality Tools in all its projects.
By default, App Project also uses the following tools as dev-dependencies:
You can find bugs in your code without writing tests by running:
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse
See the phpstan.neon.dist
file for more details.
You can look for several potential problems in the source code by running:
vendor/bin/phpmd app xml phpmd.xml
Customize your rules in the phpmd.xml
We extend PHP-CS-Fixer to create the Coding Standard Library.
It is PSR-12 compatible.
You can see what to fix in the source code by running:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --diff --dry-run --verbose
We extend PHPUnit to create the Testing Library.
You can unit test your code by running:
See the phpunit.xml.dist
file for more details.
Good software usually has good documentation.
You can build beautiful HTML pages about your project's documentation.
You must have phpDocumentor installed on your computer or run phpdoc
inside a container.
The App Project is delivered with a dev-dependency to easily configure the built-in PHP development server.
Just run
and your project will be available at http://localhost:8080.
See the php-server.ini
file for more details.
Aplus has Docker images for testing and building software.
You can run it in CI or local environments.
With Docker installed on your computer, you can run:
docker-compose run package
This will log you as the developer user into a Docker container where you can run all your tests.
See the docker-compose.yml
file for more details.
To run your code externally, alone or as a team, you can use GitLab.
The App Project is already pre-configured to run in a CI environment,
see the .gitlab-ci.yml
file for more details.
Just upload your project to GitLab and it will run pipelines.
Go build an awesome app! ⚡
See you.
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Coding is Art.
Coding is Engineering.
Good developer loves to code.
Code with Love!
Ok! Ok, John! But I'm not an artist. I'm not an engineer.
Fique calmo, amigo. Eu também não sou. Quando eu era criança, minha mãe sempre dizia que eu fazia arte. Eu brincava na terra e construia cidades inteiras. Meus carrinhos eram de madeira. Meu tio, que era semi-analfabeto, brincava comigo e trabalhava com eletrônica. Junto com meu avô e seus irmãos, eles construiram um caminhão com materiais de sucata e cavaram um açude enorme com pás, fizeram as bordas com pedras e aquilo tudo era magnifico (haviam gansos sinaleira! tinha ovos, filhotes, grama verde, trilhos, galpões). Meu avô faleceu quando eu tinha dez anos. Eu nunca deixei de ser criança. Não se preocupe muito, meu amigo. Seja o que você quiser, ninguém te conhece melhor do que você mesmo. Eu sou você!
Construa seu app. Vá nas documentações. Vá nos códigos-fonte. Existem muitas pessoas que amam você. E muitas querem um app. ❤️ ⚡⚡
Desculpe. Meu inglês não é muito bom. No ensino médio tinhamos 50 minutos semanais, mas na maioria do tempo a minha professora só falava de festas, das pessoas que ela conhecia e dos lugares incríveis que ela havia conhecido por ela saber falar em inglês. Ela falava sobre a lingua inglesa o tempo todo, mas não ensinou praticamente nada sobre inglês. E eu aprendi com ela que o inglês é importante.
Are you good with English or other languages and would like to collaborate by improving the User Guides and PHPDocs or by adding translations in languages you master in Aplus Framework?
Please feel free to open Issues and Merge Requests currently in these repositories.
We will love your help! Thank you very much. ☕
The Aplus Framework Team