Email based interface to control processes. This enables an user to send commands through email. The incoming mails will be scanned automatically, checked and if valid the command will be processed sending back a reply with the command's log.
- imap mail support
- filter emails to access
- authentication possible
- remote control
- complete logging
It is one of the modules of the Alinex Namespace following the code standards defined in the General Docs.
Install the package globally using npm on a central server. From there all your machines may be checked:
sudo npm install -g alinex-mailman --production
After global installation you may directly call mailman
from anywhere.
mailman --help
Because this application works agentless, you don't have to do something special on your clients but often some simple changes can make the reports more powerful. If so you will get a hint in the report.
Always have a look at the latest changes.
After the mailman is configured you can start it once using:
> mailman
This will run the manager one time, check the emails run all required commands, send the replies like configured and finish.
The service may run with multiple verbose levels:
- '-v' - to only show each run and numer of calls per job
- '-vv' - to display if email is send
- '-vvv' - to display what is called (with variables)
If the service is running you may also request the online help by sending
subject: help me
to it's email address.
To run the controller continuously use the daemon
option and start it in the
> mailman -d -C > /var/log/mailman.log 2>&1 &
This will run the process continuously in daemon mode checking every few minutes for mails to be processed.
For production use you may start it using pm2.
pm2 start mailman -- --daemon
Mostly for testing you may use the try mode:
> mailman -t
That will run mailman normally but won't change the email so it can be used over and over again. Alternatively you may mark the email as 'unread' to reenable it.
The base configuration for /mailman
looks like:
# Configuration for mailman
# =================================================================
# IMAP Server to check for mails
# Username for login
# Password for login
password: mypass
# Host or IP address to connect to
# Connection port
port: 143
# Secure login, set to true to login through TLS
tls: false
# TLS Upgrade decides when to upgrade to a secure session:
# one of 'always', 'required', 'never'
autotls: never
# Connection timeout in milliseconds to wait to establish connection"
connTimeout: 10s
# Authentication timeout in milliseconds to wait to authenticate user"
authTimeout: 5s
# Check interval to recheck for new emails in daemon mode
interval: 5m
And then the commands under /mailman/comand/
will look like:
# Commands
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Object of possible commands to use
# Title and description used for the mail response
title: "Get the Date"
description: "Get the date from the server."
# Filter rules which define the emails to react on
# case-insensitive part of the subject
subject: 'what time is it'
# address or list of addresses, also as case-insensitive parts
from: ''
# Variables to support from body
type: 'string'
# Command to execute
# executional on command line
cmd: 'date'
# list of arguments
args: []
# response mail settings
# use the template
base: default
# send an email only on error
emailOnlyOnError: true
Within the args
you may use specific parameters given in mail body (but use them
all in lowercase). Also the following general variables are present:
- the mail objectheader
- some mail header fields likefrom
- text and html body if available
- complete parameters
So you may use the email address of the sender as _mail.header.from
to give it
to your command.
The email templates are stored under /email
will look like:
# Email Templates
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# specify how to connect to the server
transport: smtp://<<<env://PW_ALEX_COM>>>
# sender address
# content
locale: de
subject: >
Re: {{conf.title}}
body: |+
Started on {{dateFormat date "LL"}} from {{dateFormat process.start "LTS"}} to {{dateFormat process.end "LTS"}}
PID {{}}#{{}}
{{#if result.code}}
::: alert
**{{{result.error}}}** (Code {{result.code}})
{{#if result.stdout}}
Output of command was:
`` ` text
`` `
{{#if result.stderr}}
Error output from command was:
`` ` text
`` `
(C) Copyright 2016 Alexander Schilling
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.