
Installation Guide

  1. Clone the magento-docker-compose repository by executing the following command in the working directory:
    git clone <name folder>

  2. Go into the folder
    cd <name folder>

  3. Edit the docker-copmose.yml file (with VIM) VIM cheat Sheet
    vi docker-compose.yml

  4. Start editing in VIM press 'i'

  5. Replace 'magento002' with magentodemo
    :%s/old/new/g (replace all old with new throughout file)

  6. Save and quit VIM

  7. Run Docker (this will create/pull the images)
    docker-compose up -d

  8. View the current containers
    docker ps

  • If you want sample datas
    docker exec -it <container_name> install-sampledata

Setup Magento

  • Go to the browser and type the following:

  • Click on the 'Agree and Setup Magento' button

Magento Setup Wizard

  1. Click on the 'Start Readiness Check' button

This will check your PHP version, settings, extensions and file permissions

click 'next'

  1. Add a database

Database Server Host -> db
Database Server Username -> root
Database Server Password -> root
Database Name -> magentodemo
Table prefix (optional) -> (leave empty)

click 'next'

  1. Web cofig

Your Store Address -> http://localhost:8002/ (already predefined)
Magento Admin Address -> http://localhost:8002/(adminlink) (also predefined)

click 'next'

  1. Customize your store

Store Default Time Zone -> "choose your timezone"
Store Default Currency -> "choose your currency"
Store Default Language -> "choose your default language"

click 'next'

  1. Create admin account

New Username -> "choose a username"
New Email -> "fill in an emailaddress"
New Password -> "choose a password"
Confirm Password -> "confirm the password"

click 'next'

  1. READY! Click on the 'Install Now' button