Clone the magento-docker-compose repository by executing the following command in the working directory:
git clone https://github.com/mowadigital/magento-docker-compose.git <name folder>
Go into the folder
cd <name folder>
Edit the docker-copmose.yml file (with VIM) VIM cheat Sheet
vi docker-compose.yml
Start editing in VIM press 'i'
Replace 'magento002' with magentodemo
:%s/old/new/g (replace all old with new throughout file)
Save and quit VIM
Run Docker (this will create/pull the images)
docker-compose up -d
View the current containers
docker ps
- If you want sample datas
docker exec -it <container_name> install-sampledata
Go to the browser and type the following:
Click on the 'Agree and Setup Magento' button
- Click on the 'Start Readiness Check' button
This will check your PHP version, settings, extensions and file permissions
click 'next'
- Add a database
Database Server Host -> db
Database Server Username -> root
Database Server Password -> root
Database Name -> magentodemo
Table prefix (optional) -> (leave empty)
click 'next'
- Web cofig
Your Store Address -> http://localhost:8002/ (already predefined)
Magento Admin Address -> http://localhost:8002/(adminlink) (also predefined)
click 'next'
- Customize your store
Store Default Time Zone -> "choose your timezone"
Store Default Currency -> "choose your currency"
Store Default Language -> "choose your default language"
click 'next'
- Create admin account
New Username -> "choose a username"
New Email -> "fill in an emailaddress"
New Password -> "choose a password"
Confirm Password -> "confirm the password"
click 'next'
- READY! Click on the 'Install Now' button