
Release mirror management

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Ansible Role: releases

This role helps with configuring base content for a releases mirror, as well as pre-staging releases into the staging area .pool and then actually making the release happen. The pre-staging are only ran when specifing the tag prepare and the release only happens when specifying the release tag.

Role Variables

The path on the remote you would like to populate with your releases.

releases_path: /var/www

Which path on your controller to look for file and template content in. Could be a relative to files, inventory_dir or playbook_dir and defaults to None. Defaults in the playbook uses the deprecated releases_base.

releases_files: none
releases_templates: none

The role will populate the checksum files for the releases. There is now a list of checksums, with the default being only SHA256SUMS files. This is based on releases.ubuntu.com.

  - sha256sum

File pattern for your release files. The default is custom.* since that is the default for what the vcc-caeit.build_iso role produce.

releases_pattern: custom.*

List of files to keep as visible release symlinks. This could be used if you have valid release files that doesn't match releases_pattern.

releases_keepfiles: []

Ownership of files and directories can be set.

releases_owner: www-data
releases_group: www-data

Example Playbook

- hosts: mirrors
    - vcc_caeit.releases



Author Information

This role was created in 2018 by Nafallo Bjälevik, whilst doing consultancy work for Volvo Cars Corporation.