Pahontu Stefan Alin 331CA

	After studying the sequential implementation, I realised I can
bring a huge improvement to the comparing function used by the qsort.
The qsort takes an average of NlogN  time with a compare function that
takes constant time. However, because the initial compare function takes
O(N) as well, as it computes the number of items in the rucsack every 
time, it reaches a total of N^2logN time complexity. I can vastly improve 
that by adding a new field in the individual structure that stores this
number and only compute it once for every individual. This way, I can 
speed up the entire program, as the qsort will now only take NlogN time 
to complete.
	I have chosen to parallellize the compute_fitness function, the first
for loop that creates my initial generation, the elite selection, the two
mutation phases, the crossover and freeing the generation resources, in order
to achieve an even better time complexity. 
	I have placed barriers after every step in the genetic algorithm to ensure
correctness and have chosen the first thread to take care of the sorting and 
printing of the result, so no hazards or multiple results would appear.