Title: README for wmexamples Author: Bryan Fink Source URL: http://bitbucket.org/bryan/wmexamples/ Created: 2009.May.18 ------ wmexamples is a demonstration Webmachine application. It contains a handful of Webmachine resources that I have posted elsewhere, but have chosen to assembled here to show off. To run this application, you'll need: - Erlang - http://erlang.org/ - Git - http://git-scm.com/ Installation --- Checkout/unpack wmexamples. cd wmexamples make If everything makes fine, run ./start.sh or ./start-dev.sh, then point curl or a browser at http://localhost:8000. You should get a "Hello, new world" message back. Example Resources --- The best place to determine what resources are enabled is in priv/dispatch.conf. That file describes the dispatch table for this Webmachine application, and also contains helpful comments. Other short descriptions of what examples are included are below. CouchDB Proxy Resource --- couchdb_proxy.erl describe a proxy resource for exposing raw CouchDB through a webmachine app. It does very minimal request processing - only fixing Location headers such that clients of the webmachine resource direct their requests properly. To use couchdb_proxy.erl in your own application, copy the file to your application's src tree, and also make sure the ibrowse is started before any requests are made to the resource (wmexamples starts ibrowse at startup in wmexamples.erl). Environment Variable Resource --- env_resource.erl was a sample resource for demonstrating implementations of several Webmachine resource functions. The goal of this resource was to expose the ability to inspect and modify OS-environment variables. The story of env_resource's development is available in five blog posts starting at http://blog.beerriot.com/2009/04/13/ simple-webmachine-proper-http-resources/ Sample Trace Resource --- The Webmachine trace utility is available at http://localhost:8000/wmtrace/ while this application is running. Four example trace files have been included in the "traces" directory. They are named example-trace-CODE.wmtrace, where CODE is the HTTP status code the resource returned at the end of the request. The sample trace files were generated with the sampletrace_resource, which is included and exposed at http://localhost:8000/sampletrace That resource isn't good for much other than generating those simple examples, but I thought it best to include it for demonstration purposes. POST Example (wwwform -> json) --- formjson_resource.erl is mainly an example of how one might handle a POST in a webmachine resource. process_post/2 demonstrates how to grab the request body out of the ReqData (wrq:req_body/1), and push a response body into one (wrq:append_to_response_body/2). Issuing a GET to formjson_resource will encode the query parameters of the request as JSON, and return that encoding in the response body. Issuing a POST to formjson_resource will assume that the body of the request is application/x-www-form-urlencoded data, re-ecode it as JSON, and return that JSON in the response body. Dispatch Reloader --- dispatch_watcher.erl defines a gen_server that can be started in the background, and will watch dispatch.conf for changes, reloading it when necessary. By default, it checks "priv/dispatch.conf" for updates once a second. This behavior can be changed by passing the configuration parameters: {dispatch, Path}: where Path is a string describing the path of an alternate dispatch file {interval, Time}: where Time is an integer number of milliseconds describing how long to wait between checks for updates to the dispatch file wmexamples starts dispatch_watcher by including a supervisor child specification in the return value of wmexamples_sup:init/1. It could be started instead by appending "-s dispatch_watcher" to the final command of start-dev.sh, to get a dev-vs-production kind of configuration.
Example resources for Webmachine (http://bitbucket.org/basho/webmachine). This project contains several sample webmachine resources that I've posted elsewhere at various times. This is a complete Webmachine app ready to be run and examined.