
an example of creating self-updating golang cli with step by step guide

Primary LanguageGo


Make sure to fork this repo first as you need to configure some settings

Step 1

get self-update library using

go get selfupdate.blockthrough.com@latest

Step 2

install the self-update cli

go install selfupdate.blockthrough.com/cmd/selfupdate@latest

Step 3

create public/private key pair

selfupdate crypto keys

Step 4

create two repository secret variables using the provide the link below. Make sure the change the example-cli with your project name

  • EXAMPLE_CLI_SELFUPDATE_PRIVATE_KEY, and put the content of selfupdate.key
  • EXAMPLE_CLI_SELFUPDATE_PUBLIC_KEY, and put the content of selfupdate.pub

NOTE: make sure to keep selfupdate.key safe as it will be used to sign the binary of your program

Step 5

Create a fine-grain github token by going to this URL

  • Click on Generate new token
  • Give your token a name
  • Set your token an expiration based on your need
  • Select your Organization from Resource owner that your project is
  • From Repository access select Only select repositories and chose the repository and project that your cli is
  • From Repository permission, make sure Contents has Read-only access
  • Click on Generate token
  • Save that token as you won't be able to access it

Step 6

add the following Go code to your main execution, it is recommended to add it at the beginning of the main function. Make sure to set these variables ownerName, repoName, execName, according to your project needs. Version and PublicKey will be set during the build times so leave them empty

package main

import (


var (
	Version   = ""
	PublicKey = ""

const (
	ownerName = "alinz"
	repoName  = "example-cli"
	execName  = "example-cli"

func main() {

	// this is the rest of your main function
  // ...

func runUpdate() {
	// In order for selfupdating to work, the following conditions must be met:
	// 1. Version must be set
	// 2. EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN must be set
	// 3. PublicKey must be set
	// for setting up the token please refer to
	// "Create a Fine-Grained Personal Access Tokens" in README.md
	ghToken, ok := os.LookupEnv("EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN")
	if !ok {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Warning: EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN env is not set, selfupdating is disabled")

		context.Background(), // Context
		ownerName,            // Owner Name
		repoName,             // Repo Name
		Version,              // Current Version
		execName,             // Executable Name,
		ghToken,              // Github Token
		PublicKey,            // Public Key

Step 7

Create a new Github actions workflow as follows

name: Build and Release
      - "v*"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    permissions: write-all

      EXAMPLE_CLI_OWNER: alinz
      EXAMPLE_CLI_REPO: example-cli
      EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION: ${{ github.ref_name }}

      - name: Setup Go 1.22
        uses: actions/setup-go@v3
          go-version: ^1.22

      - name: Setup Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Install latest selfupdate cli
        run: go install selfupdate.blockthrough.com/cmd/selfupdate@latest

      - name: Create a Release
        run: |
          selfupdate github release \
          --owner ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_OWNER }} \
          --repo ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_REPO }} \
          --version ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION }} \
          --title ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION }} \
          --token ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN }}

      - name: Build Darwin arm64
        run: |
          GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build \
          -ldflags "-X main.Version=${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION }} -X main.PublicKey=${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_PUBLIC_KEY }}" \
          -o ./example-cli-darwin-arm64 \

      - name: Upload Darwin arm64
        run: |
          selfupdate github upload \
          --owner blockthrough \
          --repo selfupdate.go \
          --filename example-cli-darwin-arm64.sign \
          --version ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION }} \
          --token ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN }} \
          --key ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_PRIVATE_KEY }} < ./example-cli-darwin-arm64

          selfupdate github upload \
          --owner blockthrough \
          --repo selfupdate.go \
          --filename example-cli-darwin-arm64 \
          --version ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_VERSION }} \
          --token ${{ env.EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN }} < ./example-cli-darwin-arm64

Step 8

Make sure everyone sets EXAMPLE_CLI_GH_TOKEN in their system as an env and sets it to the fine-grain token which was described in Step 5

Step 9

Compile the code

go build -ldflags "-X main.Version=v0.0.0 -X main.PublicKey=PUBLIC_KEY" -o ./example-cli ./main.go

then run the code


you should be able to see the code is updating and running the code again

downloading new version (v0.0.1)...done
running new version...
args: [/Users/ali/Documents/ali/projects/example-cli/example-cli-downloaded]