
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lets Get Lunch

Hosted at: https://lets-get-food.herokuapp.com/#/

An application to assit people to assemble in random groupings. Sorts a group of users into buckets of maximum size 5 and minimum size 3. Users can readily be added to the list via the create user page.

Built using angularjs and twitter bootstrap with a node.js server and a postgres database. Testing of the front end code was completed using karma and backend code using mocha.

Build & development

Must have a postgres database setup with the following properties and user

database: 'postgres', schema: 'appt', user: 'postgres', password: 'cheese', host: 'localhost', port: 5432

To Seed/Migrate database run node db/migrate from root directory.

Run npm install then grunt build to download dependencies

Run node server.js to serve the app at location localhost:5000.


Running npm run test will run the unit tests