
Reconster automates several steps of reconnaissance, including subdomain discovery, DNS resolution, HTTP metadata gathering, status code analysis, notification, and database updates.

Primary LanguagePython


Reconster automates several steps of reconnaissance, including subdomain discovery, DNS resolution, HTTP metadata gathering, status code analysis, notification, and database updates.


sudo git clone https://github.com/aliraah/reconster.git && cd reconster && chmod +x *.sh


  1. Create a recon directory under /root
  2. Copy the scripts into /root/recon/scripts
  3. Run stage1.sh and give it a target and wait for it to finish
  4. Add $PATH and stage3.sh to crontab
echo $PATH | crontab -
echo "0 */6 * * * /root/recon/scripts/stage3.sh >> /root/recon/scripts/logfile.log 2>&1" | crontab -


  • Add your MongoDB connection string, collection name and timezne to insert.py and update.py
  • Create a discord server with separate text channel's for each target under your recon directory
  • Create a provider-config.yaml containing your discords web hook inside each targets folder
$ cat provider-config.yaml

  - id: "crawl"
    discord_channel: "hackerone"
    discord_username: "Reconster-Bot"
    discord_format: "{{data}}"
    discord_webhook_url: "WEBHOOK-HERE"