Table of Contents
- Book
- Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava (English) (Paid)
- Cracking the Coding Interview by Gayle Laakmann McDowell (English) (Paid)
- Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python: Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles by Narasimha Karumanchi (English) (Paid)
- Platform
- LeetCode (English)
- HackerRank (English)
- CodeWars (English)
- TheAlgorithms (English)
- Codeforces (English)
- Quera (Persian)
- Book
- Book
- System Design Interview by Alex Xu (English) (Paid)
- System Design Interview: Volume 2 by Alex Xu & Sahn Lam (English) (Paid)
- Course
- Educative - Grokking the System Design Interview (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Video
- Git Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Book
- Pro Git (English) (Free)
- Video
- Book
- python coderz (Persian) (Free)
- Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes (English) (Paid)
- Head First Python by Paul Barry (English) (Paid)
- Learn Python the Hard Way by Zed Shaw (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Book
- Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python Best Practices for Writing Clean Code by Sweigart, Al (English) (Paid)
- Fluent Python by Luciano Ramalho (English) (Paid)
- Effective Python by Brett Slatkin (English) (Paid)
- Python Cookbook by David Beazley & Brian Jones (English) (Paid)
- Python Concurrency with asyncio (English) (Paid)
- Book
- Architecture Patterns with Python by Harry Percival & Bob Gregory (English) (Paid)
- Practices of the Python Pro by Dane Hillard (English) (Paid)
- Python Testing with pytest by Brian Okken (English) (Paid)
- Python Tricks by Dan Bader (English) (Paid)
- Python Tricks by BobyCloud & DevMoein (Persian) (Paid)
- Python Concurrency with asyncio by Matthew Fowler (English) (Paid)
Choose a library according to your project requirements and do not get confused between multiple frameworks.
- Book
- Django for Beginners by William S. Vincent (English) (Paid)
- Django for APIs by William S. Vincent (English) (Paid)
- Django for APIs by ftg-iran (Persian) (Free)
- Django for Professionals by William S. Vincent (English) (Paid)
- Django for Professionals by ftg-iran (Persian) (Free)
- Test-Driven Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript by Harry Percival (English) (Free)
- Django Practical Book by Alireza Azimzadeh (Persian) (Paid)
- Video
- Django Web Framework - Full Course for Beginners by Justin Mitchel (English) (Free)
- Django For Everybody - Full Course by Dr. Charles Severance (English) (Free)
- Django From Beginner To Advanced by Mehran Tarif (Persian) (Free)
- Django All In One Course by BobyCloud (Persian) (Free)
- Django Celery Course by Shahriar Shariati (Persian) (Free)
- Django Channels Course by Shahriar Shariati (Persian) (Free)
- Django Super Course by Shahrokh Kiumarsy (Persian) (Free)
- Book
- Documentation
- FastAPI documentation (English) (Free)
- FastAPI Utilities documentation (English) (Free)
- List of awesome things
- FastAPI awesome things (English) (Free)
- Video
- Python API Development - Comprehensive Course for Beginners by Sanjeev Thiyagarajan (English) (Free)
- FastAPI course by & (English) (Paid)
- Free FastAPI course by Mohammad Javad Fadakar (Persian) (Free)
- Project Generator
- Full-Stack FastAPI PostgresSQL project generator (English) (Free)
- Documentation
- Book
- Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python (English) (Paid)
- Flask Framework Cookbook (English) (Paid)
- Video
- Flask Tutorial by Alireza Ayinmehr (Persian) (Free)
- REST APIs with Flask and Python by Jose Salvatierra (English) (Paid)
- Document
- Flask Document (English) (Free)
- Book
- Lpic-1 Course by Jadi (English) (Free)
- Lpic-1 Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Linux Course by Morteza Bashsiz (Persian) (Free)
🎉 Congrats!
👋 You have passed steps 1, 2, and 3, Now, Let's get your hands dirty!
✅ Choose topics that you are interested in or suit your needs.
- Book
- Database concepts by Alireza Morteza Amini (Persian) (Free)
- PostgreSQL Tutorial by Alireza Ayinmehr (Persian) (Free)
- PostgreSQL Tutorial (English) (Free)
- Book
- Clean Code in Python by Mariano Anaya (English) (Free)
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
- Book
- Docker in Action, Second Edition (English) (Paid)
- Docker Deep Dive: Zero to Docker in a single book (English) (Paid)
- Video
- Docker Tutorial by Mehran Tarif (Persian) (Free)
- Docker Tutorial by Ahmad Rafiee (Persian) (Free)
- Docker Course by Jadi (Persian) (Free)
- Book
- Video
- "Just me and Opensource" YouTube channel (English) (Free)
- Book
- Kubernetes: Up and Running, 2nd Edition (English) (Paid)
- Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition (English) (Paid)
- Video
(In Progress)
- Book
- Microservice Architecture (English) (Paid)
(In Progress)
- Book
- Head First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software (English) (Paid)
- Django Design Patterns and Best Practices (by Arun Ravindran) (English) (Paid)
- Dive Into Design Patterns by Alexander Shvets (English) (Paid)
(In Progress)
- Book
- NGINX Cookbook (English) (Free)
- Book
- Book
- Apache Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for Apache Administrators (English) (Paid)
- Book
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
- Book
- The Web Application Hacker's Handbook (English) (Paid)
- WebSite
- OWASP Top 10 (English) (Free)
(In Progress)
(In Progress)
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