
Some images for xfce-panel's background

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Some images for xfce-panel's background Some of this images created by me and some of them not! I maked my images by Gimp! License : GPL3 feel free to modify and share and add your images to this repository!

1- download the images folder or clone this repository 2 - Right click on your xfce panel Go to Panel(Panel > Preferences > appearance) 3 - Select Backgroung image from Style. 4 - select your desired image file from File. 5 - Enjoy!

Some Screenshots



Contact me

Me on twiter: https://twitter.com/AR_AmirSamimi

My Personal Website: http://amirsamimi.ir

My email adress: alireza.amirsamimi@ubuntu.ir