
Applying filters on images using Python (cImage,Turtle) and Thonny editor (IDE). Outputs has been saved as .gif also logged in outputs.txt

Primary LanguagePython

Applying Filters on Images Using Python (cImage,Turtle)

The project has two parts.

  • Program A: Coverts source image by cImage and saves the output as .gif format in outputs directory, also logs its path.
  • Program B: Reads paths from the log file (outputs.txt) and displays the images by Turtle library.

Program A (Convert and Save)

Covert to Grayscale

Grayscale Python

Covert to Black and White

Black and White Python

Covert to Negative

Negative Python

Covert to Sepia tone

Sepia tone Python

Program B (Display by Turtle)

outputs have been displayed by turtle

  • Note: Thonny has been used as Editor (IDE) in this project.
  • Make sure you haven't forgotten the star.
  • My Email: alirezaashrafi.ir@gmail.com