Introducing Gitcoin Passport

Gitcoin Passport is an identity verification application. It enables you to collect verifiable credentials that prove your identity and trustworthiness without exposing personally identifying information. Apps and organizations can then use your Passport to coordinate your rights and responsibilities.

To coordinate and scale an open internet, we need tools like Gitcoin Passport to enable successful and trustworthy collective decision-making that is not vulnerable to bots and bad actors.

Gitcoin Passport is your citizenship pass for the decentralized internet.

Navigate these docs using the menu in the left hand sidebar. You can start by visiting Using the Passport docs for guidance.

Alternatively, you can skip straight to learning more about how Gitcoin Passport works, or start participating right away by following the instructions on the Create your Gitcoin passport page.

If you are a developer, you can build Gitcoin Passport into your app now - our Quick Start guide will get you started.