
Using redis in OSGi with apache-karaf container

Primary LanguageJava

Install Application

  • Requirements:
    • Karaf 4.x.x
    • Redis
    • jdk1.8

Add repository:

karaf@root()>feature:repo-add mvn:com.khtm.test.karaf/CommandLineFeature/1.0-SNAPSHOT/xml

Install bundles:

karaf@root()>feature:install CommandLineProvider

karaf@root()>feature:install CommandLine

Uninstall Application

karaf@root()>feature:uninstall CommandLine

karaf@root()>feature:repo-remove khtm-test-command-1.0-SNAPSHOT


How to use it on local RAM

  • Add user to list

karaf@root()> khtm:add-user alireza khatamiDoost 09194018087

  • Remove user from list

karaf@root()> khtm:user-remove <user-id-1> <user-id-2> ...

if you press Tab all user ids show on screen

  • Print current list

karaf@root()> khtm:user-list

  • Remove all users from current list

karaf@root()> khtm:user-remove-all

How to use it on Redis

  • Add user to list

karaf@root()> khtm:add-user-redis alireza khatamiDoost 09194018087

  • Remove user from list

karaf@root()> khtm:remove-user-redis <user-id-1> <user-id-2> ...

if you press Tab all user ids show on screen

  • Print current list

karaf@root()> khtm:list-user-redis

  • Remove all users from current list

karaf@root()> khtm:remove-all-user-redis