
Circuit-Breaker pattern implemented in this project, I have supposed in some project using of spring boot is not possible, in these projects ought to use this library.

Primary LanguageJava

Circuit Breaker


Using circuit-breaker pattern makes more stability in using micro-service architecture. Spring Cloud implemented this pattern but using spring cloud dependents to using spring boot, in some project using of spring boot is not possible. This project created for using circuit-breaker and eureka server without using spring framework.

How to use

for using of this library you must clone two project form my repository as follow:

$ git clone https://github.com/alirezakhtm/eureka-registry.git
$ git clone https://github.com/alirezakhtm/circuitbreaker-hystrix.git

both above projects must be installed in your maven repository by this commmand:

$ mvn install

following dependencies must be added to your project


for more information for registering service on Eureka server please read Eureka-Registry

Run Example

you must set eureka server url and IPv4 of your PC (or container) in these examples then deploy them on Tomcat standalone.
