
Laravel Magento Admin OAuth package

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Laravel Magento Admin OAuth package


What is this even?

This is my Laravel package. My use-case was to authenticate Magento webshop administrators using my application. I created this because I got really frustrated at Magento OAuthentication and the other OAuth packages did not fit my use-case. Also: I never need to do this twice, just pull the package using composer, create middleware, add the lines in there and I'm done!

So how do i use this?


composer require "topster21/lmao" 1.1

Also: add these in your config/app.php




'LMAO' => Topster21\LMAO\Facades\LMAO::class,

Application specifics

Send the user to /lmao/initiate to start the log-in process. When authenticated, lmao will attempt to redirect the user to the original request page. If that fails the user will land on the homepage. This is best used with Laravel Middleware, which is what it was designed for in the first place.

Make sure these values are present in your .env file:

LMAO_KEY=               (Consumer Key. Set this in your Magento admin panel)
LMAO_SECRET=            (Consumer Secret. Set this in your Magento admin panel)
LMAO_URL=               (This is your webshop URL. NO TRAILING /. If you have a storefront, include this. (shop.com/nl)
LMAO_ADMIN_SLUG=        (Optional, when your /admin/ slug is different, set it here. NO / in this.)
LMAO_AFTER_LOGIN_URL=   (Optional, where should your application go after login? default '/')

The application stores values in the session. You can get them by using the following keys:

Grabs the status. Look here for some hints.


Grabs the token graciously given to us by the Magento application. It proves we logged in.


Grabs the token secret graciously given to us by the Magento application. It proves we logged in.


Example of usage

I have created a middleware class in my application. It looks for the right status in the users' session. If it does not find it, it'll redirect to an authentication route in lmao.

public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    if (session()->has('lmao_status') && session('lmao_status') == Status::LOGGED_IN)
         // This glorious individual is allowed in! Praise
         return $next($request);
    // Send the filthy unauthorized user to the auth page
    return redirect()->guest('/lmao/initiate');


This package can handle a 'rejected'-callback from the Magento webshop. It can also handle a logout procedure.

If you want to use these, link to these routes:

Refused Callback URL

In your Magento webshop admin panel: /lmao/refused


In your html /lmao/logout