
QuickStart for fully free OpenShift + PHP5.5 + Apache

Primary LanguageShell

PHP5.5 + Apache

This modified DIY cartridge provides PHP 5.5.31 and fully free Apache configuration permission, which can be found in conf folder.

Quick Start

![Click to install OpenShift](http://launch-shifter.rhcloud.com/launch/light/Click to install.svg)

  1. Open https://openshift.redhat.com/app/console/application_type/cart!diy-0.1
  2. Fill Source Code text field: https://github.com/laobubu/openshift-php5.5-cgi-apache.git
  3. Click Create Application and wait
  4. Open your website (e.g. foo-bar.rhcloud.com ) and keep your browser running. Meanwhile, you can git clone your app to your computer and start coding.
  5. IMPORTANT : your first git push shall NOT be earlier than the first building ends


  • The first building lasts for ~20 minutes, the progress can be seen on your app page (eg. https://foo-bar.rhcloud.com )
  • By default, PHP 5.5.31 is choosen, which can be found in misc/make.sh
  • Once you modified conf/httpd.conf, you must reload your app, or run ${OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR}/.openshift/action_hooks/reload, to make it works.
  • If you are using Windows, please follow the Quick Start instruction!!!
  • The OpenShift diy cartridge documentation can be found at: http://openshift.github.io/documentation/oo_cartridge_guide.html#diy