
Startup Messenger

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Startup Messenger

Startup Messenger is a free messenger written with NodeJs and ReactJs for your company. The current version is only a simple broadcast and supports sending multiline messages and files and shows image previews.


You must have NodeJs and MongoDB installed in your server.
Download NodeJs from here NodeJs.
And MongoDB from here (don't forget to run VPN for this!) MongoDB Community Server
Then just clone the project!


  1. Go to project directory and run
npm install
  1. You have to generate a privake key and put it in "pv.key" file in the project root directory. There are many online tools for this like Online RSA Key Generator. Press the "Generate New Keys" and copy the generated "Private Key" to "pv.key" file and save it.
  2. Open "config.js" file in the root folder of project and edit IP to your server IP. If you want you can change the Port here too.
let IP = '';
let PORT = 8000;

Start Project

For starting project run

npm start

Next Step

Now you must clone Startup Messenger frontend project from here.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
