
create diagram based on folder size

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT



Check Folder Size And Create Diagram Based On Their Size And Set Color (Green For Less Then 1 Giga bytes , Yellow For 1 To 10 Giga bytes And Red For More)

image description image description


  • Project May Not Work On Some Of System Folders Due To Lack Of Permissions (Access Denied)
  • This Project Works On Windows And Linux Only
  • Args Are Case-Insensetive

How To Use :

get information about size of folders in each drive

Usage: diska [OPTIONS]

      --depth <depth>      how many level of inner directories should it scan
      --diagram <diagram>  Set Diagram Types : tree , table
  -s, --sort <sort>        Sort Folders Based On Given Value : size , name

      --st <st>            Can Use By sort
                           Sort Folders:  Desc or Asc
  -p, --path <path>        analyze give path (default is current directory)
  -h, --help               Print help
  -V, --version            Print version

How To Install :

Download And Install Cargo (Rust Package Manager)
Run Following Command in Terminal
cargo install DiskAnalyzer

ToDO List :

  • Add Depth For Folder Crawler
  • Add More Diagrams
  • Add Mac Support (Currently It Supports Windows And Linux)
  • Implement Sorting
  • Handle Files In Terminal (Add Move , etc)
  • List File Types (Audio , Video , etc)