
View Pdf with Java Binding Library

Primary LanguageJava

MuPDF for Xamarin

View Pdf with Java Binding Library for Xamarin

In this project you can use MuPDF library that has ported correctly to Xamarin .

1- For PDFs you want to show, you should put them into "Asset" folder , and load by this code.

        var file = fileFromAsset(this, "test.pdf");   //write file name with extension
        var uri = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(file.AbsolutePath);
        var intent = new Intent (this, typeof (MuPDFActivity));   //to use MuPDFActivity
        intent.SetFlags (ActivityFlags.NoHistory);
        intent.SetAction (Intent.ActionView);
        this.StartActivity(intent);   //start a activity

2- Here we have two function that help us to read pdf files properly without any crash in app . 2-1 "fileFromAsset": >No information 2-2 "copy": For loading pdf in your xamarin app with MuPDF library you should use stream to load it.