CarouselView for android with showing horizontal and vertical, auto scrolling (with pause/resume), slider mode/ carousel mode options
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About WebView and Adjust on iOS.
#22 opened by CMingTseng - 0
Hi when i wanted to use carousel in Fragment class scroll is not smooth as in activity class
#21 opened by prashantisng - 0
#20 opened by TanveerAhmed606050 - 4
Logcat crash error xml
#18 opened by osamamohsen - 3
Documentation is not sufficient.
#4 opened by krishna700 - 0
LogCat being bombarded with error logs
#17 opened by pierrekhouryy - 0
Change the number of views that appear
#16 opened by pierrekhouryy - 1
how to reduce space between two views?
#15 opened by Adilhusen - 2
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Cannot set 'scaleX' to Float.NaN
#14 opened by tomafc330 - 3
Smooth scroll to position is called in onScrollStatechanged in CarouselView.kt
#12 opened by reejeshpkmnx - 7
Unable to use autoscroll feature
#7 opened by binaykumarrana - 1
Round image view not showing
#8 opened by rommansabbir - 2
Why need AppCompatActivity?
#9 opened by iSanechek - 3
Sliding images without resize animation
#5 opened by draskosaric