
Serilog integration for ASP.NET Core with some practical features

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An improved version of Serilog.AspNetCore package based on my experience in years ago. This package add following features:

  • Adds following features with default log setup:
    • Adds User Claims Enricher. This enricher logs all user claims.
    • Adds CorrelationId Enricher. This enricher adds Correlation-Id to all log events. This helps finding relevant logs using Correlation-Id.
    • Adds Default EventId Enricher. This enricher uses MurmurHash to generate Short Ids based on message template.
    • Adds LogContext Enricher. This enricher allows to capture data on relevant log entries.
    • Attaches MachineName and CurrentUserName (OS-Level) to logs.
    • Adds Json.Net/System.Text.Json destructure to serialize json texts correctly.
  • Allow to capture request/response with following features:
    • Conditional request/response capturing based on success or error responses.
    • Captures jsons as structured object that allows filtering logs on request/response object properties.
    • Masks sensitive information.
    • Captures additional data like Parsed User Agent Data.
  • Adds logsettings.json and logsettings.{Environment}.json optionally to manage log configuration in separate settings file for simplicity.


First, install the Serilog.AspNetCore.Plus NuGet package into your app.

dotnet add package Serilog.AspNetCore.Plus

Next, in your application's Program.cs file, configure Serilog first. A try/catch block will ensure any configuration issues are appropriately logged:

using Serilog;

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

    Log.Information("Starting web application");

    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

    builder.Host.UseSerilog(); // <-- Add this line
    var app = builder.Build();

    app.MapGet("/", () => "Hello World!");

catch (Exception ex)
    Log.Fatal(ex, "Application terminated unexpectedly");

The builder.Host.UseSerilogPlus() call will redirect all log events through your Serilog pipeline.

Or you can initialize logger directly using:

    Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
                    .SetSerilogPlusDefaultConfiguration() // <-- Add awesome staff like EventId, UserAgent and other useful enrichers
                    .WriteTo.File(new CompactJsonFormatter(),"log.json")

Finally, clean up by removing the remaining configuration for the default logger:

That's it! With the level bumped up a little you will see log output resembling:

[22:14:44.646 DBG] RouteCollection.RouteAsync
    Handled? True
[22:14:44.647 DBG] RouterMiddleware.Invoke
    Handled? True
[22:14:45.706 DBG] /lib/jquery/jquery.js not modified
[22:14:45.706 DBG] /css/site.css not modified
[22:14:45.741 DBG] Handled. Status code: 304 File: /css/site.css

Tip: to see Serilog output in the Visual Studio output window when running under IIS, either select ASP.NET Core Web Server from the Show output from drop-down list, or replace WriteTo.Console() in the logger configuration with WriteTo.Debug().

Request logging

In your application's Startup.cs, add the middleware with UseSerilogPlus():

        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())

            app.UseSerilogPlusRequestLogging(); // <-- Add this line

            // or for more options add this:
            // app.UseSerilogPlusRequestLogging(p =>
            // {
            //     p.LogMode = LogMode.LogAll;
            //     p.RequestHeaderLogMode = LogMode.LogFailures;
            //     p.RequestBodyLogMode = LogMode.LogFailures;
            //     p.RequestBodyLogTextLengthLimit = 5000;
            //     p.ResponseHeaderLogMode = LogMode.LogNone;
            //     p.ResponseBodyLogMode = LogMode.LogNone;
            //     p.ResponseBodyLogTextLengthLimit = 5000;
            //     p.MaskFormat = "*****"; 
            //     p.MaskedProperties.Clear();
            //     p.MaskedProperties.Add("*password*");
            //     p.MaskedProperties.Add("*token*");
            // });
            // ...
            // Other app configuration

It's important that the UseSerilogPlusRequestLogging() call appears before handlers such as MVC. The middleware will not time or log components that appear before it in the pipeline. (This can be utilized to exclude noisy handlers from logging, such as UseStaticFiles(), by placing UseSerilogPlusRequestLogging() after them.)

Sample Logged Item

    "@t": "2021-03-04T21:01:36.3305267Z",
    "@m": "HTTP Request Completed { Request: { ClientIp: \"\", Method: \"GET\", Scheme: \"https\", Host: \"localhost:5001\", Path: \"/home/list\", QueryString: \"\", Query: [], BodyString: null, Body: null }, Response: { StatusCode: 200, ElapsedMilliseconds: 1110, BodyString: \"[\r\n  {\r\n    \\\"date\\\": \\\"2021-03-06T00:31:35.3561032+03:30\\\",\r\n    \\\"passwordNumber\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"temperatureF\\\": 109,\r\n    \\\"token\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"summary\\\": \\\"Hot\\\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \\\"date\\\": \\\"2021-03-07T00:31:35.3567648+03:30\\\",\r\n    \\\"passwordNumber\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"temperatureF\\\": 121,\r\n    \\\"token\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"summary\\\": \\\"Chilly\\\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \\\"date\\\": \\\"2021-03-08T00:31:35.3567697+03:30\\\",\r\n    \\\"passwordNumber\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"temperatureF\\\": 29,\r\n    \\\"token\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"summary\\\": \\\"Hot\\\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \\\"date\\\": \\\"2021-03-09T00:31:35.3567715+03:30\\\",\r\n    \\\"passwordNumber\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"temperatureF\\\": 7,\r\n    \\\"token\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"summary\\\": \\\"Scorching\\\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \\\"date\\\": \\\"2021-03-10T00:31:35.3567728+03:30\\\",\r\n    \\\"passwordNumber\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"temperatureF\\\": 73,\r\n    \\\"token\\\": \\\"*** MASKED ***\\\",\r\n    \\\"summary\\\": \\\"Chilly\\\"\r\n  }\r\n]\", Body: [{ date: \"2021-03-06T00:31:35.3561032+03:30\", passwordNumber: \"*** MASKED ***\", temperatureF: 109, token: \"*** MASKED ***\", summary: \"Hot\" }, { date: \"2021-03-07T00:31:35.3567648+03:30\", passwordNumber: \"*** MASKED ***\", temperatureF: 121, token: \"*** MASKED ***\", summary: \"Chilly\" }, { date: \"2021-03-08T00:31:35.3567697+03:30\", passwordNumber: \"*** MASKED ***\", temperatureF: 29, token: \"*** MASKED ***\", summary: \"Hot\" }, { date: \"2021-03-09T00:31:35.3567715+03:30\", passwordNumber: \"*** MASKED ***\", temperatureF: 7, token: \"*** MASKED ***\", summary: \"Scorching\" }, { date: \"2021-03-10T00:31:35.3567728+03:30\", passwordNumber: \"*** MASKED ***\", temperatureF: 73, token: \"*** MASKED ***\", summary: \"Chilly\" }] } }",
    "@i": "42abf3a2",
    "Data": {
        "Request": {
            "ClientIp": "",
            "Method": "GET",
            "Scheme": "https",
            "Host": "localhost:5001",
            "Path": "/home/list",
            "QueryString": "",
            "Query": [],
            "BodyString": null,
            "Body": null
        "Response": {
            "StatusCode": 200,
            "ElapsedMilliseconds": 1110,
            "BodyString": "[\r\n  {\r\n    \"date\": \"2021-03-06T00:31:35.3561032+03:30\",\r\n    \"passwordNumber\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"temperatureF\": 109,\r\n    \"token\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"summary\": \"Hot\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"date\": \"2021-03-07T00:31:35.3567648+03:30\",\r\n    \"passwordNumber\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"temperatureF\": 121,\r\n    \"token\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"summary\": \"Chilly\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"date\": \"2021-03-08T00:31:35.3567697+03:30\",\r\n    \"passwordNumber\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"temperatureF\": 29,\r\n    \"token\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"summary\": \"Hot\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"date\": \"2021-03-09T00:31:35.3567715+03:30\",\r\n    \"passwordNumber\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"temperatureF\": 7,\r\n    \"token\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"summary\": \"Scorching\"\r\n  },\r\n  {\r\n    \"date\": \"2021-03-10T00:31:35.3567728+03:30\",\r\n    \"passwordNumber\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"temperatureF\": 73,\r\n    \"token\": \"*** MASKED ***\",\r\n    \"summary\": \"Chilly\"\r\n  }\r\n]",
            "Body": [
                    "date": "2021-03-06T00:31:35.3561032+03:30",
                    "passwordNumber": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "temperatureF": 109,
                    "token": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "summary": "Hot"
                    "date": "2021-03-07T00:31:35.3567648+03:30",
                    "passwordNumber": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "temperatureF": 121,
                    "token": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "summary": "Chilly"
                    "date": "2021-03-08T00:31:35.3567697+03:30",
                    "passwordNumber": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "temperatureF": 29,
                    "token": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "summary": "Hot"
                    "date": "2021-03-09T00:31:35.3567715+03:30",
                    "passwordNumber": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "temperatureF": 7,
                    "token": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "summary": "Scorching"
                    "date": "2021-03-10T00:31:35.3567728+03:30",
                    "passwordNumber": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "temperatureF": 73,
                    "token": "*** MASKED ***",
                    "summary": "Chilly"
    "RequestId": "0HM6VA2OSU9N1:00000001",
    "RequestPath": "/home/list",
    "ConnectionId": "0HM6VA2OSU9N1",
    "EnvironmentUserName": "DESKTOP\\Alireza",
    "MachineName": "DESKTOP",
    "EventId": "C2110DE4"

Two-stage initialization

The example at the top of this page shows how to configure Serilog immediately when the application starts. This has the benefit of catching and reporting exceptions thrown during set-up of the ASP.NET Core host.

The downside of initializing Serilog first is that services from the ASP.NET Core host, including the appsettings.json configuration and dependency injection, aren't available yet.

To address this, Serilog supports two-stage initialization. An initial "bootstrap" logger is configured immediately when the program starts, and this is replaced by the fully-configured logger once the host has loaded.

To use this technique, first replace the initial CreateLogger() call with CreateBoostrapLogger():

using Serilog;

public class Program
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Information)
            .CreateBootstrapLogger(); // <-- Change this line!

Then, pass a callback to UseSerilog() that creates the final logger:

        public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
                .UseSerilog((context, services, configuration) => configuration
                .ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>

It's important to note that the final logger completely replaces the bootstrap logger: if you want both to log to the console, for instance, you'll need to specify WriteTo.Console() in both places, as the example shows.

Consuming appsettings.json configuration

Using two-stage initialization, insert the ReadFrom.Configuration(context.Configuration) call shown in the example above. The JSON configuration syntax is documented in the Serilog.Settings.Configuration README.

Injecting services into enrichers and sinks

Using two-stage initialization, insert the ReadFrom.Services(services) call shown in the example above. The ReadFrom.Services() call will configure the logging pipeline with any registered implementations of the following services:

  • IDestructuringPolicy
  • ILogEventEnricher
  • ILogEventFilter
  • ILogEventSink
  • LoggingLevelSwitch

Enabling Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILoggerProviders

Serilog sends events to outputs called sinks, that implement Serilog's ILogEventSink interface, and are added to the logging pipeline using WriteTo. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging has a similar concept called providers, and these implement ILoggerProvider. Providers are what the default logging configuration creates under the hood through methods like AddConsole().

By default, Serilog ignores providers, since there are usually equivalent Serilog sinks available, and these work more efficiently with Serilog's pipeline. If provider support is needed, it can be optionally enabled.

To have Serilog pass events to providers, using two-stage initialization as above, pass writeToProviders: true in the call to UseSerilog():

        (hostingContext, services, loggerConfiguration) => /* snip! */,
        writeToProviders: true)

JSON output

The Console(), Debug(), and File() sinks all support JSON-formatted output natively, via the included Serilog.Formatting.Compact package.

To write newline-delimited JSON, pass a CompactJsonFormatter or RenderedCompactJsonFormatter to the sink configuration method:

    .WriteTo.Console(new RenderedCompactJsonFormatter())

Writing to the Azure Diagnostics Log Stream

The Azure Diagnostic Log Stream ships events from any files in the D:\home\LogFiles\ folder. To enable this for your app, add a file sink to your LoggerConfiguration, taking care to set the shared and flushToDiskInterval parameters:

    public static int Main(string[] args)
        Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
            .MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Information)
            // Add this line:
                fileSizeLimitBytes: 1_000_000,
                rollOnFileSizeLimit: true,
                shared: true,
                flushToDiskInterval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))

Pushing properties to the ILogger<T>

If you want to add extra properties to all log events in a specific part of your code, you can add them to the ILogger<T> in Microsoft.Extensions.Logging with the following code. For this code to work, make sure you have added the .Enrich.FromLogContext() to the .UseSerilog(...) statement, as specified in the samples above.

// Microsoft.Extensions.Logging ILogger<T>
// Yes, it's required to use a dictionary. See https://nblumhardt.com/2016/11/ilogger-beginscope/
using (logger.BeginScope(new Dictionary<string, object>
    ["UserId"] = "svrooij",
    ["OperationType"] = "update",
   // UserId and OperationType are set for all logging events in these brackets

The code above results in the same outcome as if you would push properties in the ILogger in Serilog.

// Serilog ILogger
using (logger.PushProperty("UserId", "svrooij"))
using (logger.PushProperty("OperationType", "update"))
    // UserId and OperationType are set for all logging events in these brackets